Gregg’s Landing North Homeowners Association Board Meeting and Election Results
At our November 11, 2024 Annual Member Meeting and election, Kevin Borgard, current President, and Eugene Bayer, current Director, were re-elected to serve 2 year terms. Sanjay Goel was elected to serve a 2 year term as a result of an open position on the Board. We welcome Sanjay as a new member of the Board.
Peter Chen, Director, did not seek reelection. We thank Peter for his contributions over the last 2 years while on the Board.
Board Officer Election
At the Board Meeting following the Annual Meeting, the Board elected the following officers and passed resolutions regarding 2 Board Committees and Chairs:
Board Officers:
Kevin Borgard - President, resides in Turtle Bay
Robert Sloat - Vice President, resides in The Pointe
Rajeev Vasudeva - Treasurer, resides in Cypress Point
Eugene Bayer - Secretary, resides in St. Andrews
Sue Serra - Assistant Secretary, resides in Muirfield Village
Kurt Erchinger -Director, resides in Inverness
Sanjay Goel - Director, resides in St. Andrews
Board Committees:
Landscape Committee: Kurt Erchinger - Chair, Sanjay Goel
Monument Committee: Sue Serra - Chair, Robert Sloat
Gregg’s Landing North Homeowners Association Annual Meeting and Board Election
At the December 4, 2023 Annual Meeting, we reached the required member quorum for election of Board members. Thanks to all the homeowners who took the time to return their proxy votes and attend the virtual meeting.
The December 4 Annual Meeting was a continuation of our November 20, 2023 Annual Meeting and Board Election. At the November meeting we did not receive the required number of member voting proxies to establish a quorum which would allow the election of Board members to be finally tallied.
GLNHOA December 4, 2023 Annual Meeting and Board Election Results
Sue Serra, Raj Vasudeva and Robert Sloat were reelected to serve 2 year terms. Kurt Erchinger was elected to serve a 2 year term as a result of an open position on the Board.
Joe Ellefson - Director, did not seek reelection. Joe is still interested in being involved with Board activities when needed. We thank Joe for all his contributions over the last 2 years while on the Board.
Board Officer Election
Following the December 4 Board Election, the Board elected the following officers and passed resolutions creating 2 Board Committees and their Chairs:
Board Officers:
Kevin Borgard - President, resides in Turtle Bay
Robert Sloat - Vice President, resides in The Pointe
Rajeev Vasudeva - Treasurer, resides in Cypress Point
Eugene Bayer - Secretary, resides in St. Andrews
Sue Serra - Assistant Secretary, resides in Muirfield Village
Peter Chen - Director, resides in Oakmont
Kurt Erchinger -Director, resides Muirfield Village
Board Committees:
Landscape Committee: Rajeev Vasudeva - Chair, and Kurt Erchinger
Monument Committee: Sue Serra - Chair, and Robert Sloat
November 18, 2023
AppFolio: Gregg’s Landing North HOA Members Portal Roll Out
A reminder that early this year to help improve communications with its members the Board authorized roll out of AppFolio, a homeowner portal. Once an AppFolio account is activated a member will have access to Board meeting minutes, budget information and other items to help members become more familiar with the workings of Gregg's Landing North HOA. Details on activation of an AppFolio account can be found in the Property Manager Tab.
November 18, 2023
AppFolio: Gregg’s Landing North HOA Members Portal Roll Out
A reminder that early this year to help improve communications with its members the Board authorized roll out of AppFolio, a homeowner portal. Once an AppFolio account is activated a member will have access to Board meeting minutes, budget information and other items to help members become more familiar with the workings of Gregg's Landing North HOA. Details on activation of an AppFolio account can be found in the Property Manager Tab.
April 15, 2023
Gregg’s Landing 2023 Community Garage Sale
Friday, May 19 and Saturday, May 20, 9am - 5pm Each Day
It’s that time of year again for the Gregg’s Landing Garage Sale. This is our annual garage sale which is coordinated with the Village. Use the Google Form link below to register if you would like to participate.*
Gregg Landing North HOA’s board member, Sue Serra, will once again be our coordinator. Her contact info is in the form. Once registered, she will be in contact with you and if there are any questions they can be directed to her. We thank Sue for all the work on this event.
Please remember Garage Sale signs are only permitted the weekend of the official Gregg’s Landing Garage Sale. Signs cannot be posted before 6pm on Thursday nor left up after 6pm on Sunday. (Note: Inverness homes are not permitted to have garage sales under its rules and regulations.)
Update on Recent Gregg’s Landing Monument Damage
Our entrance monument and fountain at the NE corner of Gregg’s Parkway and Butterfield Road was badly damaged on March 12, 2023 when a car crashed into it. Our property manager has the police report on this incident and will be filing an insurance claim against the driver. We thank one of our homeowners who called this to the association’s attention enabling it to quickly begin assessing the damage and major repairs needed to the monument.
November 18, 2022
GLNHOA Board Meeting
GLNHOA Proposed 2023 Budget
At the Board meeting on November 18, 2022, the Board unanimously voted to accept the 2023 proposed budget which was noticed to all members in a letter dated October 11, 2022, from our property manager, McGill Management, Inc. The yearly assessment dues for 2023 was raised to $390 from $360 for the year 2022. As shown in the 2023 proposed budget our cash flow and reserves remain in excellent condition.
November 14, 2022
Annual Membership Meeting and Board Elections:
GLNHOA Board Election Results
We had a good response from homeowners and met the required quorum in for the election to be finally tallied. Thanks to all the homeowners who took the time to vote and attend the virtual meeting.
Kevin Borgard and Gene Bayer were reelected to serve 2 year terms. Peter Chen was elected to serve a 2 year term as a result of an open position on the Board.
Thomas Newberg resigned from the Board having moved to Florida. We thank Tom for all his contributions over the years on various committees and as assistant Treasurer.
Board Officer Election
Following the November 14, 2022 election, the Board elected the following officers and a committee chair:
Kevin Borgard - President, resides in Turtle Bay
Robert Sloat - Vice President, resides in The Pointe
Rajeev Vasudeva - Treasurer, resides in Cypress Point
Eugene Bayer - Secretary, resides in St. Andrews
Sue Serra - Assistant Secretary, resides in Muirfield Village
Joe Ellefson-Director, resides in Riviera Estates
Peter Chen, resides in Oakmont
Rajeev Vasudeva - Landscape Committee Chair
These Board officer and committee positions are for the period ending on the next Board election currently scheduled for November 20, 2023.
July 21, 2022
Attention: GLNHOA Residents
Please Store Waste and Recycle Containers Out Of Public View
Please help keep our neighborhoods looking nice by storing waste and recycle containers out of public view. In a few of our neighborhoods some residents are storing waste and recycle containers during the week in plain view in their driveways or near the side of their homes. In addition to being unsightly, this is in violation of Chapter 9 of the Vernon Hills Village Ordinance covering garbage and recycling.
Under the Ordinance, waste and recycling containers must be stored inside an approved trash enclosure, shed, garage, building, or dwelling and out of public view. Waste and recycle containers should not be stored on driveways and not on the side of your home in public view. Also, under the Ordinance, the only time waste and recycle containers should be at the curb is after 5pm the day before waste and recycle collection and they must be removed before 7pm on collection day.
Village Ordinances can be found in this link: Scroll down to Chapter 9.4 for the exact language.
Your HOA asks that members help keep our neighborhoods looking nice by complying with the above Village Ordinance and store waste and recycle containers out of public view. Thank you for your cooperation.
Gregg’s Landing Garage Sale
Friday and Saturday, May 13-14, 2022, 9am - 5pm
It’s that time of year again for the Gregg’s Landing Garage Sale. This is our annual garage sale which is coordinated with the Village. Use the Google Form link below to register if you would like to participate.*
Gregg Landing North HOA’s board member, Sue Serra will once again be our coordinator. Her contact info is in the form. Once registered, she will be in contact with you and if there are any questions they can be directed to her. We thank Sue for all the work on this event.
* Please remember Garage Sale signs are only permitted the weekend of the official Gregg’s Landing Garage Sale. Signs cannot be posted before 6pm on Thursday nor left up after 6pm on Sunday. (Note: Inverness homes are not permitted to have garage sales.)
December 9, 2021
HOA Leadership Award
Congratulations to Kevin Borgard, our Gregg’s Landing North Board President. Kevin recently received the 2021 Outstanding Homeowner Leader Award from the Illinois chapter of the Community Associations Institute which provides education, legislative advocacy and professional services resources to HOA boards. Thank you for your service to our community Kevin.
November 15, 2021
Annual Membership Meeting and Board Elections:
GLNHOA Board Election Results
We had a good response from homeowners and met the required quorum for the election. Thanks to all the homeowners who took the time to vote and attend the virtual meeting.
Robert Sloat, Sue Serra and Rajeev Vasudeva reelected to serve 2 year terms. Joe Ellefson was elected to serve a 1 year term as a result of an open position on the Board.
Sarabdeep Singh - Director, resigned from his position. We thank Sarabdeep for his service.
Board Officer Election
Following the November 15 election, the Board elected the following officers and a committee chair:
Kevin Borgard - President, resides in Turtle Bay
Robert Sloat - Vice President, resides in The Pointe
Rajeev Vasudeva - Treasurer, resides in Cypress Point
Thomas Newberg - Assistant Treasurer, resides in St. Andrews
Eugene Bayer - Secretary, resides in St. Andrews
Sue Serra - Assistant Secretary, resides in Muirfield Village
Joe Ellefson-Director, resides in Riviera Estates
Rajeev Vasudeva - Landscape Committee Chair
These Board officer and committee positions are for the period ending on November 14, 2022, which is the next scheduled election for open or expiring Board member positions.
GLNHOA Proposed 2022 Budget
At the Board meeting on November 15, 2021, the Board unanimously voted to accept the 2022 proposed budget. The current yearly assessment dues of $360 will remain the same for 2022. All homeowners were sent a letter dated October 15, 2021, from our property manager, McGill Management, Inc., with the proposed 2022 budget. As shown in the 2022 proposed budget our cash flow and reserves remain in excellent condition.
February 17, 2020
Below are reports recently posted on our Village website covering this intersection. Your Board has given input to the Village on some of the items covered in the study and the Technical Report. The Village will likely hold public hearings on any implementation plan at which time public comments from residents can be made.
Gregg's Pkwy and Huntington Intersection Study Update:
Gregg's Pkwy and Huntington Intersection Civiltec Engineering, Inc. Technical Report:
January 25, 2020
Our next Board meeting is at 9:00 am on Saturday, January 25, 2020 at White Deer Run Golf Club clubhouse.
January 6, 2020
Below is a summary of a published Village report on the Gregg's Parkway and Huntington Drive Intersection. Watch for a west bound Gregg's Parkway traffic pattern change turning on to Huntington Drive North at this location.
The intersection of Gregg’s Parkway and Huntington Drive has been studied on a regular basis to improve its safety and operational aspects. As background, the major roadways within the Gregg’s Landing development are subject to the provisions of the 3 Party Agreement between Lake County, the Village of Vernon Hills and Zale (developer). The agreement requires concurrence of LDOT and the Village to modify the original design. A recent study was conducted in November of 2019 by Civiltech Engineering, Inc. The study reviewed a number of alternatives such as:
Maintain Existing Conditions
Signage Modifications
Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacons
Temporary Right Turn Removal
Permanent Right Turn Lane Removal
Crosswalk Relocation
All-Way Stop Control Installation
Traffic Signal Installation
Compact Urban Roundabout
The highlights of the study are:
The traffic volumes do not vary substantially from prior counts. The 2014, 2017 and 2019 traffic counts reflect traffic volumes on the east leg at 14,400; 11,100 and 12,500 vehicles per day respectively.
The All-Way Stop Control is not warranted. Additionally, very few opposing left turn movements onto Huntington occur.
The Traffic Signal Installation is warranted. A few warrants are met but this does not improve the safety aspects as compared to other alternatives.
The accident history of both pedestrian and vehicular accidents reflect difficulties of drivers viewing westbound vehicles when a vehicle is present in the right turn lane.
The Civiltech Engineering, Inc. study was reviewed and discussed at length with LDOT. Afterwards, we received concurrence from LDOT to install the Temporary Right Turn Removal alternative. The merits of this improvement is reflective of the review of police crash reports since 2011. This alternative was subsequently approved by the Village Board and staff will implement this alternative on January 6, 2020.
The temporary lane removal would be accomplished vis-a-vis the installation of delineators thereby removing the existing right turn lane. The existing thru lane would then function as a combined thru and right turn lane consistent with most of the other intersections within the larger Gregg’s Landing subdivision. The installation would be reviewed for approximately 6 months and based on the outcome, the Village and LDOT would review its merits prior to the consideration of permanently removing the right turn lane.
September 2019
Latest word from Gregg's Landing Magazine management is that Eric Landoll will be the new content manager for GLL and the magazine will continue publication to residents in single family home neighborhoods. The September issue of GLL has just be sent out.
July 2019
NEW PROPERTY MANAGER effective July,1 2019
Your Board has chosen a new property manager, McGill Management, Inc., to help us manage the common property of the Association. McGill is a local operation and more suited for our Association’s activities. This became effective July 1, 2019. All homeowners received a mailing dated July 1, 2019 from McGill giving important McGill contact information and also asking for updated homeowner contact and emergency contact information. Please return the information sheet with the requested information so McGill and your Board can better serve you. McGill uses this information to keep contact information current so we can email homeowners on important HOA matters. Please keep the letter with all the McGill contact information for future reference.
Gregg's Landing North Homeowners Assocition
Vernon Hills, IL 60061US
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